
Current Features
  • Sentiment/Price Mapping - Using ChatGPT to determine a comments sentiment and mapping overall comment sentiment over each ticker's' price movement
  • Raw Comment viewing - View comments sorted by source and sentiment
  • Make Predictions - Users can make predictions on ticker price movement
  • View Predictions - Users can view others predictions and past prediction accuracy
  • View Article Sentiment - Scraping articles from over 500 different sites and using LLM sentiment analysis to determine mention sentiment (click on a symbol to view articles)
In development
  • Prediction/Mapping - Mapping predictions made on this site over ticker price movement
  • StockTwits scraper - The stocktwits API has been discontinued, but a work around is in development.
  • User feedback - Development opportunities can be sent here: (All feedback is appreciated :D)

Mention/Price Graph - Data Types
Mention Count

This data type shows you the total mentions for a given period of time.

  • Hourly - Each point on the mention line displays the hour in E.T. It shows you the mentions the ticker recieved in the last hour. E.g - 07/14/2023 02:00 PM will show the total mentions from 1 pm to 2pm
  • Daily - Each point on the mention line displays the total mentions the ticker recieved for a given day.
  • Weekly - Each point on the mention line displays the mentions the ticker recieved in the last 7 days. E.g - 7/14/2023 will show the total mention count between 7/8/2023 and 7/14/23 (inclusive)
Mention Count - Positive

This data type shows you the total number of postive mentions for a given period of time.

  • Hourly - Each point on the mention line displays the hour in E.T. It shows you the postive mentions the ticker recieved in the last hour. E.g - 07/14/2023 02:00 PM will show the total postive mentions from 1 pm to 2pm
  • Daily - Each point on the mention line displays the total postive mentions the ticker recieved for a given day.
  • Weekly - Each point on the mention line displays the number of postive mentions the ticker recieved in the last 7 days. E.g - 7/14/2023 will show the total postive mention count between 7/8/2023 and 7/14/23 (inclusive)
Mention Count - Negative

This data type shows you the total number of negative mentions for a given period of time.

  • Hourly - Each point on the mention line displays the hour in E.T. It shows you the negative mentions the ticker recieved in the last hour. E.g - 07/14/2023 02:00 PM will show the total negative mentions from 1 pm to 2pm
  • Daily - Each point on the mention line displays the total negative mentions the ticker recieved for a given day.
  • Weekly - Each point on the mention line displays the number of negative mentions the ticker recieved in the last 7 days. E.g - 7/14/2023 will show the total negative mention count between 7/8/2023 and 7/14/23 (inclusive)
%Bullish - Raw

This data type shows you the percentage of mentions that were positive for a given period of time using the formula (positiveMentions / (positiveMentions + negativeMentions ) ) * 100

  • Hourly - Each point on the mention line displays the hour in E.T. It shows you the percentage of mentions that were positive in the last hour (defaults to 50% if no mentions were positive or negative).
  • Daily - Each point on the mention line displays the percentage of the total mentions that were positive on a given day.
  • Weekly - Each point on the mention line displays the percentage of mentions in the last 7 days that were positive.
%Bullish - Moving Average

This data type shows you an unweighted moving average of the percentage of mentions that were bullish. It uses a 9 period average.

  • Hourly - Every hour on the mention line shows the moving average of the % of bullish mentions across the last 9 hours. The queue is initially populated with 9 values equaling 50%.
  • Daily - Every day on the mention line shows the moving average of the % of bullish mentions across the last 9 days. The queue is initially populated with 9 values equaling 50%.
  • Weekly - Every day on the mention line shows the moving average of the % of bullish mentions across the last 9 weekly periods. The queue is initially populated with 9 values equaling 50%.
API - Subscribe to unlock access
Get Daily Mention Data

Gets the mention data for the current day.

  • Example usage -
  • Return Value - The return value of this command is a JSON representation of the following objects:
class DailyApiDataStruct
string Symbol
DailyCount PositiveMentions
DailyCount NegativeMentions
DailyCount Mentions // This structure represents the total mentions for a given day
class DailyCount
string symbol
long longdate
int mention_count
int mentions_12_1
int mentions_1_2
int mentions_2_3
int mentions_3_4
int mentions_4_5
int mentions_5_6
int mentions_6_7
int mentions_7_8
int mentions_8_9
int mentions_9_10
int mentions_10_11
int mentions_11_12
int mentions_12_1_pm
int mentions_1_2_pm
int mentions_2_3_pm
int mentions_3_4_pm
int mentions_4_5_pm
int mentions_5_6_pm
int mentions_6_7_pm
int mentions_7_8_pm
int mentions_8_9_pm
int mentions_9_10_pm
int mentions_10_11_pm
int mentions_11_12_pm
Get full historical mention data

This data type shows you the total number of postive mentions for a given period of time.

  • Example usage -
  • Return Value - The return value of this command is a JSON representation of the following object:
// Each entry in the list represents a day of data
class HistoricalAPIDataStruct
string Symbol
List[DailyCount] PositiveMentions
List[DailyCount] NegativeMentions
List[DailyCount] Mentions
class DailyCount
string symbol
long longdate
int mention_count
int mentions_12_1
int mentions_1_2
int mentions_2_3
int mentions_3_4
int mentions_4_5
int mentions_5_6
int mentions_6_7
int mentions_7_8
int mentions_8_9
int mentions_9_10
int mentions_10_11
int mentions_11_12
int mentions_12_1_pm
int mentions_1_2_pm
int mentions_2_3_pm
int mentions_3_4_pm
int mentions_4_5_pm
int mentions_5_6_pm
int mentions_6_7_pm
int mentions_7_8_pm
int mentions_8_9_pm
int mentions_9_10_pm
int mentions_10_11_pm
int mentions_11_12_pm
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